TBΣ:EI – 2018 Recruitment Video

Tau Beta Sigma is a national co-ed band service sorority. Members of the Epsilon Iota chapter at The University of Akron are responsible for helping fulfill various assignments & duties that help make the band program work. From placing apple orders for the marching band to cleaning and checking school-owned instruments, and everything in between, it's the teamwork and dedication to one another that keeps this organization driven to succeed.



As part of the road to earn the Counselors' Cup, all chapters of the North Central District were challenged to make a video highlighting what it meant to be a sister and what our chapter does to make our band program succeed.

There was, however, one rule. It had to be filmed using a cell phone. That's it.

We had to make footage taken with a Samsung Galaxy S5 look good.

Seeing how editors were supposedly not ruled out, I capitalized on the opportunity. The result is what you see here.


March 2018

"For UA We Hold Strong" - Arranged by Jake Durr

March 2018

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